Word for Thursday September 2nd. “After he had finished, he said to Simon

Daily Message from the Chaplain : Let your light shine!!” Matthew 5:16.

Word for Thursday September 2nd. “After he had finished, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.” Luke 5:4-5. Mother Angelica said, “I mean what worry-warts we are! We worry instead of saying He’s watching me, He sees me and He loves me. That’s why He says ‘Courage it is I, do not be afraid.” Let us pray, Lord Jesus, at times we let our nets down in very shallow waters of life; where there is not much to catch or really thrive on. Give us the grace and courage to venture out into the depths of things that we may gather greater treasures than in our little engaged life. Amen.

“Let your light shine!!” Matthew 5:16.

Be blessed. Larry