Meet our New Deputy Chaplain

Rev . Rr. Raphael Ddumba

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to share the news that Kampala Archdiocese has appointed Fr Rapheal Ddumba as the new Assistant University Chaplain in Makerere Business School, he has take over from Fr Ivan Kalanzi this Month of July 2021. Fr Rapheal is a wonderful priest with a great love for students and young people. Despite the fact that he has joined us during the pandemic ( COVID -19) when all the students are under lockdown ; he has started off with a online ministry allowing you all to participate in MASS, Adoration and also follow spiritual programme. You will be meeting electronically. He is very excited about coming to Mubs and being part of the Chaplaincy. Please keep him in your prayers at this time, and pray for his new mission and the former parish.

By mjkintu, 16.07.2021