Online Mass

Participating in the Church event online- An option during the hard times

Join us via Zoom or Youtube we shall publish the link at least 48 hours to the Celebration Mass.

Join the community WhatsApp Group to receive weekly updates : Call the Admin or text 256 771 474 700 ; Please note that we have online Mass 7.00 am and 10.00 AM on Sunday.

MASS ON YOUTUBE : 19th SEPT 2021 – 10 AM

Weekly Adoration Every Thursday , Beginning at 5.00 p.m

Via Zoom and YouTube

9th Sept 2020 LIVE AT 5.00 PM :

Recorded Session of the Adoration

If you have missed, you can replay the recorded session of the event off our YouTube channel .

Be blessed.



Offering Mass for a special Intention is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church. One must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit one’s soul. Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical “Mirae caritatis” (1902) beautifully elaborated this point and emphasized the connection between the communion of saints with the Mass: “The grace of mutual love among the living, strengthened and increased by the sacrament of the Eucharist, flows, especially by virtue of the Sacrifice [of the Mass], to all who belong to the communion of saints.”

Masses are offered for many reasons, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died.

If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, please call or visit the Chaplain’s Office or the Administrator. Our Chaplain Administrator will help you with the dates and times which are available. Cards can be mailed to whomever you choose to so they may also participate in the Mass. The stipend or offering given, signifies the sacrificial nature of giving of something of yourself to associate more intimately with Christ who offers Himself in the Eucharist.

Offering can be done online , use the image below by clicking to access our online offering tab