“In works of charity one offers fine flour, and when he gives alms, he presents his sacrifice of praise…The just one’s sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will it ever be forgotten. In a generous spirit pay homage to the Lord…and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy.” Sirach 35:2, 7-9. St. Pope John Paul II said, “Genuine love … is demanding. But its beauty lies precisely in the demands it makes. Only those able to make demands on themselves in the name of love can then demand love from others.”
Let us pray, My God, to offer You a sacrifice of praise is often to go against my wants and choose You. May I give to others in joy what I want for myself. May I have a generous heart for others and offer myself to You in complete trust of Your love. We ask this grace Father God, and we thank You. Amen. “Let your light shine!!” Be blessed. Larry.